Monday, October 7, 2013

Church Frustration!!!

I am relatively new to Christianity, only being in the Lord for 2 years.  I know there are a lot of things I don't know yet, but I do know where I come from religion/church wise and the reason we left that is because we don't want to be in that anymore.  I'm not sure what has been going on lately, but my oh my, some of the things we saw in our old church environment are in our new church environment!

One big problem we had with our former religion was being pressured to attend church and commit to a ton of volunteer church activities.  We are regular attenders, but things in life do come up.  For instance, my dad is cleaning out my Grandma's house in preparation to sell it.  He is doing it alone and the only day he does it is on Sunday afternoon.  We attend Sunday morning service, but have been missing Sunday evening Bible study to help my Dad.  He is 62 years old and needs help with this right now.  Another church member actually made a comment to me in a sassy tone about us not taking church serious enough.  My son had soccer practice tonight and this member actually told my 11 year old he is choosing sports over God.  I was furious!  This woman does NOT know my family's heart and to me is the very reason churches get a bad name. 
This same member told me the women of the church are pretty much unhappy with me because I don't leave the service to volunteer in the nursery downstairs.  I don't use the nursery and never would.  Plus, my little girl is 7 and needs assistance looking things up in her Bible while the service is going on.  I have NO problem telling them that my first and foremost ministry is my family.  My idol is God, not my church.  I am so discouraged right now, I am actually thinking about looking for another church.  What do I do? 
Another issue is some serious lack of etiquette and appropriate play among the children at our church.  I have had my 7 year old little girl come to me shocked and crying that other little girls were peeking over the stall at her while she was using the bathroom.  I told the mom of these girls and she giggled and said, "Gee, I never thought I'd have to cover that topic".
My son, who is 11 years old is constantly being bullied by girls his age at church. The parents say "oh they are just flirting."  What ?!  This is church, not a meat market.  UGH!  SO FRUSTRATING!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Be Careful, Your Daughter is Watching

Tonight I spent the evening with two women that are younger than me.  For the sake of anonymity I won't identify them, or their mother.  I will say that they are both in their thirties.  One of the young women was asked by another guest at the party where she lives, just in casual conversation.  The young woman answered the question with a lie!  She claimed to live in a neighborhood that would be considered nicer than the one she actually lived in!  I was shocked!
The other woman was observing several young children playing and said in a very loud voice "I should have the doctor remove my ovaries now!"  She has in the past commented to me that my children were "good reasons to use birth control."    Now, this is quite disturbing to me, but here's the kicker---these women are relatives and I can't avoid seeing them.  Their mother raised them in a very feminist environment, basically emasculates her husband and is ultra materialistic.  My goodness, how tonight's observations got me thinking about how I influence my little girl!  I want her to always have pride in the home her husband provides for her---not in a materialistic sort of way, like look at what fancy neighborhood I live in, but in a good steward of what the Lord has provided for her through her husband sort of way.  I want her to build a godly home for her family.   Am I doing that for my family now?  What does she see me do?  I want her to always see children as a blessing from God, never ever something that is considered a nuisance or an inconvenience!  Again, what is she seeing me do? 
Mother, you are your daughter's best teacher of what it means to be a godly wife and mother.  Your examples, your reactions, what you say and how you say it will influence your daughter more than any other person in this world.  Do you want to hear your daughter say "I should have the doctor remove my ovaries now!"  when she looks upon a young children playing one day?  Do you want her to lie about where she lives one day because sinful pride gets in the way of her being grateful to God for what He has provided for her?  It is our duty as Christian mothers to never ever be the example that leads our daughters to this type of thinking!  The next time I am feeling overwhelmed, sarcastic, or short tempered, I will think of these two women.  I will pray for them and I will also ask God to help me be a godly example for my daughter, so I NEVER hear her think like they do!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Unexpected Blessings!!!

God has  given me many, many unexpected blessings this past week!  My dear, sweet grandmother fell while grocery shopping and is now going to be in a nursing home.  Her nursing home is more of an assisted living and more like a 5 star hotel, but nonetheless, she had to leave the home my grandfather built with his own two hands for them many years ago.  My grandmother is no longer able to drive, so I was given her car.  It's a blessing because my dear hubby's car was dying a slow, EXPENSIVE death!  Winter in Chicago is NOT easy on any vehicle, but hubby's was in serious danger of not making it through.  So, hubby took my SUV, and I am driving Gram's car.  There is something about the way the elderly take care of their vehicles.  Gram had NO crumbs in her car, and guess what??  It smells like lavender in there!  My Gram was also a hobby seamstress and had beautiful Husqvarna/Viking sewing and embroidery machines as well as two Babylock sergers.  I was able to purchase all of those machines from her!  She no longer sews, and they were all just sitting collecting dust, but it is a blessing that I was able to purchase them from her for two reasons.  One reason is her new nursing home costs $5000.00 a month to stay at and she will run out of money eventually (yes, you read that price right)!  Her rehabilitation center she stayed in prior to the nursing home ran her $14,000.00 for the month out of pocket, private pay.  The reason for this was Medicare deemed her "not making significant progress" and therefore did not cover the expense!  The woman is 88 years old.  Should she be jogging laps around the place?  Still makes me furious!
The second reason this is such a blessing is purely selfish.  I simply adore my grandmother and so often still look at her as such a godly example of biblical womanhood.  How awesome that I get to sit and work at the same machines she made my grandfather's suits and her beautiful dresses on!  Even though I'm 41 years old, I feel like I get to play "grandma" when I use her sewing machines!  I don't know if I will ever have the skill to make my hubby a suit for work, but I will certainly be taking some classes so I can increase my sewing skills!
It's a blessing in a way too that my Gram is now in a nursing home.  We thought she was very independent prior to her fall, but we are finding out more and more just how lonely she was the past 5 years without my grandpa.  Being in there home helping my Dad clean it out to sell it has been difficult.  While they did not have a lot materially, they had SO much in the Lord and each other.  Each room of their home holds so many family memories and so much of the life they built together.
My grandpa was a very hard worker and very frugal, so it is hard to see their savings deplete from the costs of the nursing home, but then again, her care is what the money is there for to begin with.  Please pray for me, as I have wholeheartedly offered to have my Gram move in with us when she is out of money.  It makes sense that she lives with us, as I am home, homeschooling my kids and would be able to assist her.  I am not naïve as to what it takes to be a caregiver, especially with two young kids being homeschooled in the house, but would love some prayers!  I think it would be so neat to have my kids experience having a servant's heart in taking care of my Gram!  She is one of my life's blessings!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy Spiritual Birthday to us!!

Today is my and my hubby's 2nd Spiritual Birthday!  We got saved together in our living room after our then 9 year old son shared the Gospel with us in his wise, 9 year old way!  Our son learned about
the Gospel in his class at the new church we were attending and had gotten saved 2 weeks before us.   A year after getting saved we all were baptized together!  What an amazing experience that was for our family!